Some of what we do:

Brand Development
Logo & Identity Creation
Visual Asset Development
Naming / Product Concept

Motion Graphics
Music Video Production
Illustration/ Infographics
UI / Screen design

Website Development
Screenprinting Workshops
Exhibitions / Talks
Creative Workshops

Some of the other nice companies, brands and people Maurice has had the pleasure of working with over the years include: Audi, Atomic Ski, Belowzero, Bergamont Bikes, BMW, BMW Motorrad, Cannondale Bikes, Erinyen Bikes, Fizik Cycles, Gore-Tex, GQ Magazine, Jan Ullrich Racing Bikes, Ludwig Beck, Manitou, Pepe Jeans London, Powerbar Europe, Sigg, Siemens, Sony Music, Swissflex, T-Mobile, 20th Century Fox.